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In major topics, pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skill & fluency, and application


onceptual understanding

College and Career Ready (CCR) standards call for conceptual understanding of key concepts, such as place value and ratios. Students must be able to access concepts from a number of perspectives so that they are able to see math as more than a set of mnemonics or discrete procedures.


rocedural skill and fluency

CCR standards call for speed and accuracy in calculation. Students are given opportunities to practice core functions such as single-digit multiplication so that they have access to more complex concepts and procedures.


CCR standards call for students to use math flexibly for applications in problem-solving contexts. In content areas outside of math, particularly science, students are given the opportunity to use math to make meaning of and access content.



Guide to Rigor in Mathematics 2.0

TIP: Click on the >> to go into Presentation Mode.


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