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Phases of Basic Fact Mastery

Phase 1: Counting 

(using drawings or

skip counting)

Phase 2: Deriving
(using known facts and relationships to determine an unknown fact)
Phase 3: Mastery
(efficient production
of answers)
Sequence and Strategies for Teaching Multiplication Facts (Kling & Bay-Williams, 2015)
Level 1: Counting (Foundational Facts)
2’s, 5’s, and 10’s (begin these late in second grade)


0s, 1’s, multiplication squares (2 x 2, 3 x 3, etc.)

Use story problems, arrays, skip counting, and patterns on a hundred chart and a multiplication table to learn these facts.


Story Problems:

This 25-day module begins the year by building on students’ fluency with addition and their knowledge of arrays.


Skip Counting:

Balloon Pop Skip Count - has students pop balloons using skip counting


Online Skip Counting Games



Keystone Media Resources:


B 104134 One, Two, Skip a Few!: First Number Rhymes 


DVD 2115 Skip Counting   


KM 9865 Skip-Counting Big Book

Level 2: Deriving


Adding or subtracting a group

Start with a nearby 2s, 5s, or 10s fact, then subtract (or add) the group.  


Example:  I don’t know 9 x 6, so I think “10 x 6 = 60” and subtract one group of 6 to get 54.


Halving and Doubling

Look for an even factor.  Find the fact for half of that factor, then double it.


Example:  I don’t know 6 x 8, so I think “3 x 8 = 24” and double that to get 48.



Doubles Memory - card game having students find matches by doubling 1 - 12



Doubles Bump - two or more player game using doubling 1- 10



Doubles Cover-Up - two-player game that has students double 1 - 10



Halving and Doubling Strategy - shows how to teach doubling one number and halving the other to get an answer, i.e. 5 x 16 = 10 x 8 = 80



Target game - has students shoot at target for specific halves or doubles



Halving and Doubling Video - video tutorial showing how to cut one factor in half, multiply, and double the answer


Using a square product

Look for a nearby square.  Find that fact and add on or subtract off the extra group.


Example:  I don’t know 7 x 6.  I use 6 x 6 = 36 and add one more 6 to get 42.


Decomposing a Factor

Partition one of the factors into a convenient sum of known facts, find the two known facts, and combine the products.


Example:  I don’t know 7 x 6.  I break the 7 into 2 and 5, because I know 2 x 6 and 5 x 6.  Then I add 12 and 30 to get 42.



Level 3: Mastery



Greg Tang Math Games


Salute! (Kling and Bay-Williams, 2015)

  • Students work in groups of 3 with a deck of cards (omitting face cards and using ace = 1)

  • Two students draw a card without looking at it and place on forehead facing out

  • The student with no card tells the product. The other 2 players determine the value of their card

  • Look at cards and rotate roles


Top It (Kling and Bay-Williams, 2015)

  • Put students in pairs with a deck of cards (omitting face cards, using ace as 1)

  • Have each student take half of the deck

  • Both players turn over two cards and say the product of the two cards

  • Whoever has the larger product wins the cards

  • Whoever has the most cards wins












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