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High Yield Routines

High-Yield Routines for Grades K–8, released by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), is a book that presents diverse mathematical routines recommended for use at a variety of grade levels and with a variety of mathematical content. The book also includes ideas for infusing mathematics into the non-mathematical routines that take time away from instruction.

Each chapter begins with classroom vignettes to provide a glimpse of how the routine might look as it is implemented at a variety of grade levels. A description of the routine and implementation strategies follow, and the authors provide examples of student work from various grade levels for each of the routines, including examples of ways to assess student thinking by using the routines, and suggestions for adapting them. The book includes connections to the Standards for Mathematical Practice in the Common Core State Standards and focuses on creating opportunities for differentiated instruction.


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Quick Images: Visualizing Number Combinations

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High-Yield Routines

Keystone resources:



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