What this reader might look like...
Is accurate (95-98% accuracy), but the rate is below expectation.
A diagnostic assessment reveals decoding sub-skills are intact and can be ruled out as a cause.
*Most of the time, this is 3rd grade+
What your Universal Screening data might look like:
The reader’s accuracy score is acceptable, but the rate is low.
Diagnostic Assessments to guide instructional planning:
To indicate a true discrepancy in fluency/rate skills, a decoding diagnostic assessment would indicate that the student has mastered all decoding skills.
Instructional Routines
Resources for Fluency
General Outcome Indicator
(How do you know it’s working?)
Oral reading fluency will increase while maintaining accuracy of 92%+.
Are you a teacher in a Keystone AEA district? Click the button to see a list of resources and their kit number to checkout for your classroom. The document also lists some resources that are available outside our media collection.
Keystone's materials, both online and the physical media collection, offer resources that can help all readers. Check out these helpful online tools and videos compiled by Norma Thiese, Media Specialist for the Keystone AEA.