Out of this World; Virtual Reality in the Classroom, Eleanor Roosevelt MS, Dubuque
Project Update: Eleanor Roosevelt Middle School is excited to be a recipient of the 2018-19 McElroy Excellence in Education Grant. The...

Community Collections
Seventy two second grade students at West Elementary in Waukon, IA participated in community-based field trips to learn more about six...
The Mindfulness Podcast
Denise Lee's classes at Decorah Middle School in Decorah, IA participated in instruction and practice with mindfulness activities and...

Handicapped Accessible Potters Wheel
At Hempstead High School in Dubuque, IA the welding department worked with the art and special education departments to create a potter's...

Around the World with Cooking, Customs, and Crafts- New Hampton High School
Mrs. April Schmitt (Family & Consumer Science Teacher at NHHS) was awarded the McElroy Excellence in Education Enrichment Grant in the...

Growing Lifelong Learners- Drexler Middle School, Western Dubuque CSD
PROJECT UPDATE: Growing Lifelong Learners: This project utilizes aquaponic gardens in classrooms. Students will be responsible for...

Aeroponic System Herbs and Greens Garden- Cascade JH/HS
Check out this project update from Cascade! ----- Project Title: Aeroponic System Herbs and Greens Garden Amount Requested: $930.61...

Discovering Through Creating: Composing At All Ages- Decorah High School
This year the AP Music Theory Class at Decorah High School and the 4th graders of Decorah are collaborating on the idea of "Discovering...

Flexible Seating: A Responsive Classroom Approach (John Cline Elementary, Decorah)
Flexible seating allows students choice and movement in the classroom learning space. Check out the Viking Talk Blog where Andrea Knaack...

Logical Learners- Drexler Middle School, Western Dubuque
Sixth graders at DMIS learned how to think logically by playing logical and strategic games funded through the McElroy Education grant....